Thursday 12 February 2009

Jacksons on Fire

Phew. What a hectic time since my last post. Been meaning to bring you all an update on the latest moves for me, but been caught up in a whirlwind of commissioning meetings. With the recession, everyone wants television! This is a great time for me, I'm absolutely on fire. Somebody pass a bucket of water!

'United Mums Dairies'
6 x 30 BBC Three

Documentary series following a group of entrepreneurial High Gate mums. After seeing a gap in the market, Pandora Hamilton rounds up the local mums and begins to bottle and market their breast milk. Follow the gang as they struggle against the adversity of the public to get their milk on the supermarket shelves and enjoyed by the nation in their hot chocolates and cappuccinos.

'What Sex Is My Meat?'
1 x 30 BBC (Panorama)

Alex James leads a undercover investigation into our right to know the sex of the meat on our plate.

'Born Stupid?'
BBC1 6x30, followed by another series every 7 years

Dave and Karen live on a sink estate in Bristol and have one of the lowest combined IQs in the country. They've just given birth to twins, to add to their already healthy brood. Their other children are as dense as they are; but will these new additions to the family be any different? Or does it just depend on how we are raised? To investigate this question, Twin A will grow up living with his parents, while Twin B will be adopted and raised by Barnaby and Cherie Turlington-Jones; members of Mensa scientific geniuses. We will visit the children every seven years until they are 21, comparing their IQs and progress in life to finally gain the answer to the ultimate question; are we born stupid?

'Noels Street Parties'
Sky 1, Live Broadcast entire evening.

Noel Edmunds unites the country in a celebration of Great Britishness, with a host of street parties across the nation. Linked by live video satellite, Edmunds will hop from party to party in his helicopter, to bring unmitigated joy and happiness to under-privileged families with gifts galore. Expect tales of amazing trials over adversity, and tears as Noel changes peoples lives forever; crack out the bunting, and pour the punch - Noels coming to town!

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