Saturday 28 February 2009

Fresh Ink

Just some ideas I'm bouncing around at the moment. Let me know what you think...

'The Black and White Menstrual Show'
Daily Episodes 30', Living

Woman from all different ethnic backgrounds gossip, interview and generally argue with celebrities during their shared menstruation period. The hosts will rotate, as do their bodily cycles. Should kick the shit out of Loose Women.

'Louis: Theroux The Keyhole'
1 x 90, BBC2

Louis Theroux travels to Australia, to meet and conduct operations with rogue keyhole surgeon Graeme Reeves, also known as the "Butcher of Bega".

'Fratboy Slim'
6x30, BBC Three

Ob doc where the fattest frat house diet from omega to iota in some of the most revealing television on student eating habits ever seen on the channel.

'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire: Slumdog Special'
1 x 120, ITV1

The vagrants and the poor are given the chance to prove their knowledge and win big, in this special edition of Millionaire inspired by the hit movie. More feelgood then some super strong cider and a needle full of horse.

'Mandela House'
30x30, MTV1

Nelson Mandela opens his doors to the MTV generation.

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